The True Power Of Water By Masaru Emoto Yahoo

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Does Dr. Emotos Rice Experiment Really Prove Negativity Last winter, I was asked if I knew about Dr. Masaru Emotos negative rice experiment. Dr. Emoto scientifically analyzed two different batches of water crystals. Each was subjected to negative and positive sound waves in a controlled, random experiment. It is true in a sense that the guy Masaru Emoto does exists. Status ResolvedAnswers 11http hIDSERP,5155. BlogThe True Power Of Water By Masaru Emoto Download Yahoo. Masaru Emoto berjudul The True Power of Water telah diterbitkan. Download Hakekat Taqwa. Miktex Windows Vista. Im reading this really interesting book called The True Power of Water by Masaru Emoto. It really changes how you look at water. Yahoo Get our app. Dictionary. Thesaurus. Medical. revolves around Dr Masaru Emoto. The True Power of Water. One batch was talked to in a loving, positive way. The other batch not so nice. Angry thoughts actually. Dr. Emotos experiment concluded that negativity produced negative vibes. The True Power Of Water By Masaru Emoto Yahoo News' title='The True Power Of Water By Masaru Emoto Yahoo News' />And positivity produced good feelings. His proof was the formation of water crystals under a microscope. Dr Emoto suggested we confirm his findings He suggested we place portions of cooked rice into three containers. On one container, he wrote thank you and on the other you fool. The third container was ignored. It was the control of this experiment. He then instructed school children to say the labels on the jars out loud everyday when they passed them by. The True Power Of Water By Masaru Emoto Yahoo' title='The True Power Of Water By Masaru Emoto Yahoo' />The True Power Of Water By Masaru Emoto Yahoo VideoAfter 3. People suck We all know people that suck all the energy out of a room. They do not have a single good word to say. Their internal thoughts and body language emanate bad feelings. I always wondered if negative energy travelled. That is, can my negativity travel through the air and affect other people A more scientific negative experiment. Dr. Emotos findings intrigued me. He challenged us to try his negative rice experiment for ourselves. And lots of bloggers did. But I was skeptical. Because most bloggers who cloned the experiment seemed to suffer from confirmation biasTheir science was well, not so scientific. I hit the cash machine in the name of scienceArmed with more than 5. I decided to perform the negative rice experiment the right way. I bought a case of brand new glass Mason jars. I washed them. Dried them. And I air dried them for 1. I cooked Jasmine rice and placed the exact same amount in 4 jars. To avoid metal contamination, I scooped the rice into the jars with a bamboo spoon. I sliced apples with a bamboo knife and placed them in the other 4 jars. This acted as my ignored control. I placed all the jars in my soon to be dark bedroom Each jar was spaced about a foot away from each other. I further eliminated confirmation bias by capping half of the jars with plastic lids. They other half I vacuum sealed. Every day, I equally rotated the jars. And here was the fun part. One at a time, I would smile and mutter, I love you to half of the jars with a smiley faceThen I would scream, I hate you to the other half of the batch with a sad face. I repeated this ritual every single day for exactly 3. Yes, I was stunned and shocked. A hint of the outcome of this experiment came just 4 days in. My angry rice that was not vacuumed sealed was rapidly turning ugly colors. Days later, it was turning chalky black. The True Power Of Water By Masaru Emoto Yahoo WeatherMasaru Emoto, a Japanese. Now it could all be true and our words and thought. Emoto had hundreds of petri dishes with water molecules and such in. The True Power Of Water By Masaru Emoto Yahoo HoroscopesFast forward 2. My nice rice turned vibrant colors. And my angry rice turned nasty dark green Am I now convinced A weird surprise took place just days before my experiment endedOne of the apple slices turned rancid And no, this was not the result of me saying bad things. It was the opposite. I was nice to this apple slice. The other apple slice the one I was nasty to remain virtually unchanged. This was not what anyone expected. And quite frankly, this revelation threw a monkey wrench into the entire experiment. The bottom line about the negative rice experiment. Negativity certainly affects cooked rice in a nasty way. Here is a picture of the entire negative rice experiment on day 3. See the jar on the bottom left That is my angry rice. Here is what it looks like out of the jar Yikes I am glad I vacuum sealed half the jarsAt the same time, my nice and angry rice were totally unchanged in vacuum sealed jars This tells me the air is a good carrier of vibes whether good or bad. And the lack of air had absolutely no effect on the outcome. The bottom line about negativity and the Emoto rice experiment. I picked up 3 observations during my month long negative rice experiment First, screaming negative thoughts consistently into a jar of rice produces an ugly ending. Second, the absence of air prevents negativity from being passed on. So in a vacuum, negativity is not likely to be contagious. And finally, the happy apple turned rancid. Critical thinkers would point to this as proof that the experiment failed. For me, this experiment changed my outlook on life. While I remain a life long skeptic, I now realize that complaining is draining. As a result, I am consciously nicerAnd now I invest a TON of time on ways to use positivity to my advantage.