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Online Press Release Distribution Service. Questions about your PRWeb account or interested in learning more about our news services Reach out to our support team Contact information is available here. BOFFOInstagram has decisively shifted social media sharing practices toward the visual. Favoring images and short videos over text and hyperlinks, the networks 1. This sprawling circulation of images is largely organized around the expression of pleasure, averaging 1. Considering the relative speed with which users scroll through their feeds, perhaps Warhols famous quip was an underestimate if everyones 1. Turn what you know into an opportunity and reach millions around the world. Learn more. Students will be able to Experiment with lines, colors, fabrics, patterns, textures, and styles in design and creation of original fashion design. Like A BOFFOInstagram Project brings together artists who have made or adapted work specifically for Instagram, bearing in mind its constraints and possibilities, and considering the platform as a medium that has transformative effects on how we understand, approach, and interact with images. Over a period of five weeks, participating artists will release commissioned social media art on Instagram. A different artist will debut each week, taking over BOFFOs. Instagram account for 5 days. What they do with the account, if anything, is up to each artist. The commissioned work will explore the possibilities of a social media art that encompasses video, photography, and text within tight temporal parameters, exploring the nominally public space of Instagram as a viable platform for artistic experimentation. But this space is not uncontested. Facebooks 2. 01. Instagram yielded questions about the end use of user created content. Despite, or in some cases because of this implication of user production in a nexus of data collection, participating artists are using Instagram to inventive ends to disrupt otherwise seamless flows of images, to highlight dissonances of everyday life and its distorted representations, to explore the fraught tendency of digital self archiving, or to otherwise promote a critical politics. The Human Abstract Mea Culpa Download. Through this commission series, BOFFO aims to support dialogue about the possibilities and potentials of the intersection of art and social media. The launch of these commissioned artistic projects on Instagram is intended to challenge users to engage with critical art amidst the rest of their feeds, and to challenge infrequent or non users of social media to sign on and consider the possibilities of an art that is native to this platform. In 2. 01. 3 Instagram co founder Kevin Systrom said, I believe that every photo that gets posted to Instagram is not necessarily a photograph or a video is not necessarily a video. Its a message. Youre trying to send a message. Instagram users communicate in a visual language, more so than they might via Twitter or Facebook. Instagram relies primarily on the image to communicate ideas, and these images function as interpersonal communicative gestures and networked media entities. Social media art as a practice and a genre has been supported and commissioned by contemporary art institutions and programs like the Brooklyn Museum and its 1stfans, Creative Time and its Creative Time Tweets and the New Museums Rhizome, a pioneer in articulating emergent terrains of digital art. A 2. 01. 1 cover story in ARTnews, The Social Revolution, helped spark new and engaging conversations about how artists can use social media effectively as a platform for expression. Continuing in this tradition, Like A BOFFO Instagram Project supports the exploration of Instagram as a social media art platform through a robust commissioning series. WHAT DOES CREATIVITY ONLINE LOOK LIKEBOFFO encourages artists to consider vernacular internet culture as a means of activating audiences, and to draw inspiration from different modes of online engagement. Social media art practice often awakens and engenders the communal, communicative space of internet culture and idiosyncratic forms of expression that emerge in this space. From Ai Weiwei to Ryan Trecartin, artists from around the world have explored this space through radically divergent approaches and within a contested understanding of how this the space of social media relates to social life in general. Often misunderstood, memes are a critical part of the internets creative vernaculars. Coined by theorist Richard Dawkins, a meme is a cultural unit that spreads from person to person much like a gene. In the context of the internet, this generally means a unit of media such as a video, hashtag or image, regularly transferred between users, transformed, and remixed. This ongoing transformation distinguishes memes from viral media. Memes do not simply spread on the web they shift and change over time. Memes can have a powerful impact as art objects and tools for advocacy in a variety of contexts. As social media artist An Xiao Mina noted in a recent talk at TEDGlobal, memes often function like street art, offering a way for common citizens to reshape and comment on the media environment around them. In this case, the internet becomes the muralbackdrop against which a meme is seen and understood. Memes have demonstrated considerable political traction, having risen up in reaction to Ai Weiweis increased oppression by the Chinese government in 2. China. The PEN Center recently began With. Flowers in support of Weiweis freedom to travel, a response to the artists own use of Instagram to post images of flowers in protest of his house arrest. Despite various national censorship protocols, the rich creative possibility of memes has enabled them to propagate, reflecting the artistic potential of common netizens to galvanize around social issues. On the flip side, researcher Katy Pearce has examined propaganda memes generated by the Azerbaijani government as a method of influencing and shaping public opinion in the country. THE ART OF THE SELFIE. Reach Fashion Studio Software' title='Reach Fashion Studio Software' />Reach Fashion Studio SoftwareFrom President Obama to the Pope, it seems like this form of digital self portraiture has become a ubiquitous mode of representation the term increased in usage by 1. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the decision was unanimous the 2. Self representation through social media is somewhat of a recent phenomenon. Although the terms earliest use was cited in 2. Instagramthe selfie has become a term invested with worldwide currency. The vernacular of selfies intersects with a history of critically employed self portraiture in art, particularly resonant in contemporary feminist practices. Cindy Sherman, an artist whose work is exhibited worldwide and was shown in an eponymous retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 2. As the artist explained in The New York Times in the early 1. I feel Im anonymous in my work. JIVARO Group specialises in Fashion Recruitment, Retail Recruitment, Fashion Jobs, Retail Jobs, Buying Jobs, Fashion Planning Jobs, FMCG Jobs, Buying Recruitment. Rode PSA1 Professional Studio Boom Arm The PSA1 is a studio boom arm for radio, broadcast, studio and home use. The PSA1 offers a horizontal reach of 820mm, a. Infor builds beautiful business applications with last mile functionality and scientific insights for select industries delivered as a cloud service. Reach Fashion Studio Software' title='Reach Fashion Studio Software' />When I look at the pictures, I never see myself they arent self portraits. Sometimes I disappear. Contemporary artist K8 Hardy, whose early work of costumed self portraiture brought her much attention, was recently quoted in Art in America saying The whole selfie phenomenon really made me look at my work differently, and re assess it Everyone is photographing themselves. Im a poser, but now even kids surpass me in this regard. In the context of social media, the selfie is ultimately something of a misnomer, implying that the action is conducted in isolation. It is perhaps more useful to consider the selfiein its broad socio technological ecology and within the expanded field of imagesas a communicative act intended to convey emotion, share an idea, tell a story or even inspire others to a particular form of action or engagement. Internet selfies have emerged globally beyond the context of contemporary art. In Nigeria, the Gunman Pose became one of the first globally recognized Instagram memes in Sub Saharan Africa.