Ender Game Book Series

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Spark. Notes Enders Game. I think the foil of the brothers motivations can be simplified like this Ender is always doing the wrong thing for the right reasons Ender always wants to do no harm, but is often forced to harmdestroy by situations beyond his control. He does his best to do things in the most moral way, and for only the most moral purposes, but thats not always as possible as he would like. Peter does the right thing for the wrong reasons Peter simply wants to do whatever is the easiestmost beneficial for himself, and is in. Read more1 Comments. Some theories Can Peter, Ender, and Valentine represent the id, the ego, and the superego Seems likely to me. Also, what is the significance of all the names in the novel Note that Peter, Andrew, and Valentine are saints. Young Ender Wiggin is recruited by the International Military to lead the fight against the Formics, a genocidal alien race which nearly annihilated the human race in. From a general summary to chapter summaries to explanations of famous quotes, the SparkNotes Enders Game Study Guide has everything you need to ace quizzes, tests. Ender Game Book SeriesEnder Game Book SeriesWhat did they do I guess Valentine is something love related, and Peter is the bad apostle, right Also, who were Locke and Demosthenes historically I know that John Locke was an English philosopher in the 1. Demosthenes was a Greek philosopher, rightAnd Eros, the name of the planet whats the significance. Xenocide Wikipedia. Xenocide 1. 99. 1 is the third science fiction novel in the Enders Game series of books by Orson Scott Card. It was nominated for both the Hugo and Locus Awards for Best Novel in 1. Ender Game Book SeriesEnder Game Book SeriesThe title is a combination of xeno, meaning alien, and cide, referring to the act of killing altogether referring to the act of selectively killing populations of aliens, a play on genocide. Plot summaryeditOn Lusitania, Ender finds a world where humans and pequeninos and the Hive Queen could all live together where three very different intelligent species could find common ground at last. Or so he thought. Lusitania also harbors the descolada, a virus that kills all humans it infects, but which the pequininos require in order to become adults. The Starways Congress so fears the effects of the descolada, should it escape from Lusitania, that they have ordered the destruction of the entire planet, and all who live there. With The Fleet on its way, a second xenocide seems inevitable. 2LusitaniaeditFollowing the events of Speaker for the Dead, a group of characters are depicted living as members of a Brazilian Catholic human colony on Lusitania, a unique planet inhabited by the only other two known species of sentient alien life the Pequeninos little ones and the Hive Queen. The pequeninos are native to the planet, while the Hive Queen was transplanted to this world by Ender, partly in penance for his near total destruction of her bugger species in Enders Game. The Lusitanian ecosystem is pervaded by a complex virus, dubbed Descolada Portuguese for no longer glued by humans. The Descolada breaks apart and rearranges the basic genetic structure of living cells. It is extremely adaptable to any species or form of known life, and easily transmissible. The native pequeninos and other life that survived on Lusitania after the Descoladas introduction to the planet thousands or millions of years ago are adapted to it. As a result of the deadly virus, the Lusitanian ecosystem is severely limited. Staying alive on Lusitania takes immense effort and research on the part of the Hive Queen and the humans, as they are not adapted to the descolada. Near the end of the story, it is revealed the Descolada is possibly an artificially engineered virus designed to terraform planets, but the original creators of the virus are unknown, and there remains a slim chance it evolved naturally. After the rebellion of the small human colony on Lusitania in Speaker for the Dead to protect the future of the intelligent alien species, Starways Congress sends a fleet to Lusitania to regain control, which will take several decades to reach its destination. Valentine Wiggin, under her pseudonym Demosthenes, publishes a series of articles revealing the presence of the Little Doctor planet annihilating weapon on the Fleet. Demosthenes calls it the Second Xenocide, as using the weapon will result in the obliteration of the only known intelligent alien life. She also claims it to be a brutal crackdown of any colony world striving for autonomy from Starways Congress. Public anger spreads through humanity, and rebellions nearly ensue on several colonies. After quelling much public discontent, Starways Congress finishes their analysis of the situation while the fleet is en route. Fearing the Descolada virus, further rebellions by colony worlds, and other possible unknown political motives, Starways Congress attempts to relay an order to the fleet to annihilate Lusitania upon arrival. After conferring with friends on whether a cause is worth dying for, Jane a compassionate AI living in the interstellar ansible communication network shuts off transmissions to the fleet to block the order. As a consequence of this action, she risks her eventual discovery and death, should the government shut down and wipe the interplanetary network. No known smaller computer system can house her consciousness. On Lusitania itself, Ender attempts to find solutions to the looming catastrophes of the Congressional fleet, Descolada virus, and conflicts among the humans and intelligent alien species. Much on Lusitania centers around the Ribeira family, including Enders wife Novinha and her children. Novinha and Elanora, the mother daughter team responsible for most of the biological advances countering the complex Descolada virus, are unsure if they can manufacture a harmless replacement virus. Conflicts arise on whether they should even do so, since the Descolada is intrinsically tied in with the life cycles of all Lusitanian organisms and may even be sentient itself. In addition, to try to devise methods to escape the planet, Lusitanias leading, troublemaking physicist Grego is persuaded by Ender to research faster than light travel, despite Grego scoffing at the idea. The third biologista of the family, Quara, is convinced that the Descolada is an intelligent, self aware species, and deserves attempts from the humans for communication and preservation. An additional sibling and Catholic priest, Quim Father Estevo, is determined to use faith and theology to head off another form of xenocide a group of warmongering Pequenino wish to wipe out all Earthborn life via starship, carrying the deadly Descolada within them. World of PatheditStarways Congress wants its fleet back. After all else fails, it sends the dilemma of the fleets impossible disappearance to several citizens of the world of Path, a cultural planetary enclave modeled on early China. Paths culture centers on the godspoken those who hear the voices of the gods in the form of irresistible compulsions, and are capable of significantly superior intelligence. It later becomes clear that the godspoken of Path are victims of a cruel government project granted great intelligence by genetic modification, they were also shackled with a form of obsessive compulsive disorder to control their loyalty. The experiment is set in a culture bound by five dictates obey the gods, honor the ancestors, love the people, serve the rulers, then serve your self. This is a further safeguard against rebellion. The superintelligent godspoken are considered the most devout and holy of all citizens, and any disloyal thoughts in a godspokens mind are immediately suppressed by overwhelming obsessive compulsive behavior, believed to be a sign from the gods the thoughts are wrong. The most respected godspoken on Path is Han Fei Tzu, for devising a treaty to prevent the rebellion of several colony worlds after the articles published by Demosthenes. Great things are expected of his daughter and potential successor Han Qing jao, Gloriously Bright. While doubting the existence of the gods himself, Han Fei Tzu promised his dying wife he would raise Qing jao with an unwavering belief in the godspoken. The two of them are tasked by Starways Congress with deciphering the disappearance of the Lusitania Fleet. Han Qing jaos secret maid, Si Wang mu, aids her in this task, her intelligence partially unfettered by the rigid caste system. The young and naive Qing jao eventually traces the identity of Demosthenes. Discovering that Demosthenes is Valentine Wiggin, Enders sister but that Valentine has been on a starship en route to Lusitania for the last thirty years Qing Jao concludes that the only possible explanation is advanced computer software closely tied to the communication network.