Compensation Decision Making 4Th Edition

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2nd International conference on Food Chemistry and Nutrition CPD accredited event Bringing together an outstanding panel of speakers. This Food Conference will. Compensation Decision Making 4Th EditionJune 30, 2012 by Workcovervictims. AMA Guide 4th Edition evaluation of permanent impairment handbook. A very loyal reader and good friend of ours has come across and. U. S. Department ofLabor Office of Workers Compensation Programs OWCPDivision of Federal Employees Compensation DFECProcedure Manual. FECA Part 2. Part 2 of the Procedure Manual has been divided into groups to make it easier for you to search and find the information you are looking for. Group 3 CaseDisability Management. Back to List of Chapters. Back to Chapter 2 0. Table of Contents. Purpose and Scope. This chapter discusses the management of disability claims. It provides an overview of various intervention techniques, including nurse and rehabilitation interventions, which are addressed in more detail in PM Chapter 2 0. Compensation Decision Making 4Th EditionPM Chapter 2 0. 81. This chapter also discusses medical management as it relates to the disability management process, though medical management is discussed in detail in PM Chapter 2 0. Back to Chapter 2 0. Table of Contents. Introduction. The Office of Workers Compensation Programs OWCP is responsible for seeing that benefits are promptly paid and helping claimants return to duty as soon as possible in order to minimize the period of disability. The OWCP is also obligated to see that benefits do not continue after the effects of the work related condition have ceased. Management of disability claims begins as soon as a new claim is received indicating that the claimant has lost time from work as a result of the injury or is disabled from his or her date of injury position. The Claims Examiner CE assists the claimant in returning to work as soon as possible and continues to manage the case until a resolution is reached. Disability management, however, is a team approach and consists of more than just CE intervention. The best outcomes stem from an active team approach where the OWCP, the Employing Agency EA, the claimant, and the medical providers use all available tools to ensure medical recovery and a sustainable return to work. The CE uses the Disability Management DM Tracking system in i. FECS to record actions taken during disability management. A disability management record should be created as soon as work related lost time is verified in an accepted case. In some instances a record will be automatically created, and in other instances a record must be manually created. A record may also be created for use when managing cases in which the claimant has not lost time from work but is only working limited duty. PM Chapter 2 0. 60. DM Tracking system in detail. Back to Chapter 2 0. Table of Contents. Intervention Actions and Case Management. Bouviers Law Dictionary 1856 Edition. D. DAM. A construction of wood, stone, or other materials, made across a stream of water for the purpose of confining it a mole. 820 ILCS 3051 from Ch. 48, par. 138. 1 Sec. 1. This Act may be cited as the Workers Compensation Act. a The term employer as used in this Act means. Business strategy simulations for educating management and marketing students in global business markets using an intuitive business simulation game. Compensation Decision Making 4Th EditionCompensation Decision Making 4Th EditionEach disability case presents a different set of circumstances that must be addressed. Effective disability management requires the CE to correctly analyze the evidence in a case and determine a course of action which will be effective in helping the claimant recover and return to work. The process of reviewing the evidence, identifying obstacles and challenges to recovery and return to work, and taking timely, appropriate action to resolve these hurdles should be repeated as necessary until the claimant returns to work. The CE should then continue to monitor the return to work effort until a decision can be made regarding the claimants wage earning capacity. Disability management consists of multiple case management components and various types of intervention actions which should take place simultaneously in order to produce the best possible outcome for the claimant. These actions are outlined here briefly and discussed in greater detail later in this chapter. School boards responsibilities duties decisionmaking and legal basis for local school board powers. Case Management. Routine case management actions during the period of disability management are critical to a successful outcome. Types of case management actions necessary during disability management include, but are not limited to 1 Case Adjudication. Prompt and accurate adjudication of the initial injury claim is an important first step towards a successful disability management outcome. Proactive steps by the CE at the adjudication stage result in more timely intervention actions, such as assignment of a Field Nurse. 2 Payment of Compensation Claims. Prompt payment of claims for compensation sets the foundation for a positive return to work outcome, since the claimant will not suffer undue financial hardship during the period of disability. 3 Customer Service. Returning phone calls promptly and providing information so that outstanding issues can be addressed allows the case to move forward. Responding to written inquiries in a timely and responsive manner so that pending issues can be addressed allows the return to work effort to continue without delay. Intervention Actions. The CE is responsible for taking a series of intervention actions to assist the claimant in recovery and return to work. Intervention actions should be timely and appropriate based on the evidence in the case. Types of intervention actions include, but are not limited to 1 Medical intervention includes the following Authorizing medical treatment. Authorizing treatment expeditiously allows medical recovery to progress. Questions to the attending physician. The CE may write case specific questions to the attending physician to obtain information about the claimants condition, the anticipated period of disability, work capacity, and the physicians treatment plan. Second opinion referrals. The CE may request a second opinion examination at any time to clarify the claimants condition, the extent of disability, work capacity, or other issues. District Medical Advisor DMA referrals. The CE may refer the case to the DMA if surgery or treatment is requested and input prior to authorization is needed. Also, if the CE needs advice on unfamiliar or technical medical issues, the CE may seek clarification from the DMA. Referee medical examinations. A referral for a referee examination should be undertaken when a conflict of medical opinion between the attending physician and an OWCP appointed physician, such as a second opinion physician or the District Medical Advisor, has been identified and the medical opinions are of equal weight. 2 Nurse intervention includes the following COP Nurse CN Assignment. Cases are assigned to a CN for action if the claimant sustained a traumatic injury and has not returned to work. After gathering information from the claimant, EA and physician, the CN provides a report to the CE so that appropriate action can be taken. Field Nurse FN Assignment. If the claimant has not returned to full duty and the case has been accepted, a FN can be assigned. The FN works as a liaison between the claimant, EA and physician to address medical and return to work issues. 3 Vocational Rehabilitation intervention includes the following Re employment. When work limitations have been obtained, the CE may refer the case for assignment of a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor RC to assist the claimant with returning to work with either the EA or a new employer. Medical Rehabilitation. If permanent work restrictions are not yet on file, the case may still be referred for Medical Rehabilitation for work hardening programs and functional capacity evaluations aimed at producing work tolerance limitations.