Baphomet The Dead Shall Inherit Blogspot

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Beginning And End As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. The Synagogue of Satan. The Cult that Hijacked the World Henry Makow PhD Silas Green The Illuminati. Civil War Coming To America. Joe CortinaEx Green Beret Interviews. Civil War Coming To America. Interview With Joe Cortina Ex Green Beret. By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2. JOE CORTINA IS AN EX GREEN BERET, a former airborne special operations officer and US Army Training Center commander. Joe Cortinas subsequent experiences as an. Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner Link To Real Jew NewsSMSupport The Brother Nathanael Foundation Or Send Your Contribution To The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail brothernathanaelfoundationyahoo. JOE CORTINA IS AN EX GREEN BERET, a former airborne special operations officer and US Army Training Center commander. Joe Cortinas subsequent experiences as an intelligence investigator and anti terrorist adviser brought him to such hotbeds of turmoil as the State of Israel, adjacent Middle East nations, and Central America. Joe Cortinas Web Site, My Name Is Joe Cortina, is a showcase of crimes committed against humanity by the Jewish global elite. Baphomet The Dead Shall Inherit BlogspotHere. Br Nathanael Will there will be another civil war in America Joe Cortina Im not sure if Americans have the stomach for it, but Homeland Security, run by Jews, certainly does. Yet at the same time, all the makings of a civil war are evident. Our people are divided, our economy is in a death spiral, and our Constitution is being trashed daily by the very people who should be defending it. Br Nathanael Is Homeland Security preparing for civil war Joe Cortina You bet they are. And feasibly preparing a false flag to set one off. Homeland Security is run by Jewish traitors, Lieberman and Chertoff. And, no, Lieberman has not really retired. Jews dont retire. He still pulls the strings. You see, Homeland Security, under Liebermans and Chertoffs orders, has bought enough bullets to kill each American 5 times. And it recently purchased practice targets of pregnant women and elderly citizens who pose a threat to their Jewish regime. Couple this with a full blown Fema Corps which had its first graduating class last September as a kind of Communist Red Guard to put down any resistance to their Jew World Order. Either we will continue being embroiled in serial wars for the Jews and mired to our ears in a giant unflushed toilet of moral decay in the new Sodom and Gomorrah of the ultra rich Jewish haves and the very poor Gentile have nots. Or, we will come to the collective conclusion that we must fight right here, right now, to get our nation back. If we dont, our children will curse us in our graves for selling their heritage to the Jews. Br Nathanael What if various militias begin engaging in some form of civil war Joe Cortina It would be a disaster for good and decent citizens. Drones flying above and Jew paid cops below will quash it in a minute followed by martial law. An uprising has to be TOTAL involving ALL Americans. But we have become a weak submissive people who exchange freedom for security. Yet in that process, we lose both and deserve neither. As long as Joe six pack has his cold Bud and his large screen TV he will endure any kind of abuse. Whether it be gross immorality imposed 2. Jews, the final destruction of true Christian belief by Jewry, or total invasion of his privacy by Big Brother Jew, he will remain indifferent until he PERSONALLY suffers the horrors he has imposed on others. Then, of course, as you once said, Lieberman and Chertoff have stocked the FEMA camps with wide screen TVs and plenty of fries for the Goyim. Br Nathanael What will it take to motivate Americans to take action against the Jewish criminals who have stolen our nations morality, soul, and wealth Joe Cortina Its going to take an event that affects ALL in a way that the typical dumbed down American can no longer tolerate. Br Nathanael Like what Joe Cortina Like a new mass shooting resulting in Feinstein and her ilk passing an all out gun law enabling Jewish trained Storm Troopers to take our guns and start killing people in their homes. MAYBE that will be the final straw to push Americans over the top to actively DEFEND their God given right to arm themselves. Or how about this. Just ONE respected military commander with an above reproach background and a powerful followingkind of like Pattonwho turns on the government and exposes mass corruption and treason BY NAME, and I mean Jewish names who have run our nation into the ground. I would follow a man like that to the gates of hell. I suspect I would not be alone as millions of REAL patriot veterans would follow his lead. Br Nathanael What needs to be done to restore our nation Joe Cortina You DONT cure cancer with band aids and herbs. It MUST BE CUT OUT every sick threatening cell must be KILLED to save the patient. We would begin by registering AIPAC as an agent of a foreign nation. Then nationalizing the press on a temporary basis to remove it from Jewish ownership. Next, a new Amendment to our Bill of Rights would have to be enacted that would forbid the Second Amendment to be tampered with by domestic enemiesthat is, the Jews. Finally, closing down the Jewish owned Federal Reserve Bank so that we can coin our own money WITHOUT INTEREST as our Constitution provides. This would pave the way to independence from International Jewry, the most pernicious force ever to appear in the history of man. You see, America is no longer a sovereign nation, its run by the Jews, a global network of thieves. Then, and only then, will there be no reason for another civil war to save our dying, Jew occupied nation. Support The Brother Nathanael FoundationOr Send Your Contribution To The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail brothernathanaelfoundationyahoo. For More See Prepare For Martial Law. Click Here. And Homeland Securitys Deadly Ammo Plan. Click Here. And Prepare For A Jewish Police State. Click Here. And A Military Coup In AmericaClick Here. Support Brother Nathanael Send Your Donation To Brother Nathanael Kapner PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail bronathanaelyahoo. Scroll Down For Comments. Brother Nathanael February 2.